Sunday, January 15, 2012

Mixing Colors

What I love most about art is that there are no guidelines, no rules, no right and certainly no wrong. This is the way of thinking that I hope to provide my children with. Sometimes Emma feels like she has made a mistake in a painting or colored a bunny the wrong color and I make sure to encourage her to see that there are no mistakes in art and all of her work is beautiful. Sometimes mistakes are the best thing that could have happened in a painting for me.
Yesterday we had intentions of painting once we made the perfect colors, but mixing colors became so much fun that it was all we ended up doing. Our art for the day was making new colors and it was wonderful.
An ice cube tray gets a second life in our house. Along with some q-tips and paint it is the perfect tray for some color experimenting.

1 comment:

  1. Love your ideas. If we want our children to maintain a creative spirit throughout their lives and careers, it all starts with the encouragement we give them to take risks and try different things.
